Sunday, March 1, 2009

Las Vegas Nightclub Decor

Ten of these rose petal-filled tubs line the entryway of one of the nightclubs in the Venetian. I don't remember the name because I'm not near hip enough to enter the club...or the tub.


Memphis MOJO said...

The club isn't hip enough for you.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Hi Memphis! I was thinking of you during our Vegas trip. Everything has gotten to be so expensive along the Strip. We hadn't been there in a couple of was downright silly. Had to go to the Monte Carlo to find 2-4 poker. Buy-in for the low-end tournaments at the Wynn were $540. We don't roll that high.

Anonymous said...

hehehe! My brother just got back from Vegas last weekend - he goes every couple of years - it just isn't my thing, I guess!